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Reschedule a 1-to-1

How to reschedule your 1-to-1 meeting.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

If you need change when your 1-to-1 is, such as a date or time, it is possible to do so depending on your permissions.

Below we explain how to reschedule your 1-to-1 based on whether you're an employee user or a direct manager/admin user.

Reschedule as an employee

You may be able to book your own 1-to-1, but if you need to reschedule it you must contact your manager to edit the meeting or to cancel the meeting so that it can be re-booked.

Reschedule as a direct manager or admin

To reschedule a 1-to-1 you can either edit the existing meeting to the new proposed date and time or you can cancel the meeting and then book a new meeting.

Edit meeting

  1. On the main menu click 1-to-1.

  2. Find the relevant meeting, then click the pencil icon.


  3. Make your changes, then click Save.

Cancel meeting and re-book

  1. On the main menu click 1-to-1.

  2. Find the relevant meeting, then click the X.


  3. Confirm you want to cancel the meeting by clicking OK.

  4. The meeting now appears under Completed.

  5. When required, to schedule this meeting again, book it as a new 1-to-1 meeting.

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