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Book a 1-to-1 meeting

How to book a 1-to-1 meeting with your manager or your employee.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over 3 weeks ago

If 1-to-1s has been enabled in your Sage HR company, you can book a 1-to-1 with another colleague, whether with an employee you manage, or your own manager.

It's easy to book a 1-to-1. We'll show you how in the steps below.

Book 1-to-1 as an employee

πŸ“ŽNOTE: You can only have the option as an employee to book a 1-to-1 if it is enabled in the settings by an admin. If you have no option to book 1-to-1, please contact your HR admin.

  1. Go to your profile. On the profile, menu click 1-to-1, then click Book a 1-to-1.
    Alternatively, click Quick actions in the top right, then click Book a 1-to-1.

    πŸ“ŽNOTE: If you are a direct manager trying to book a 1-to-1 with your own manager, you must do so via your profile.

  2. As an employee user, this by default is a meeting with your direct manager.​

  3. Enter a name for the meeting, and if required a description.

  4. Select a meeting date.

  5. Select a start time and an end time for the meeting.

  6. If required, enter a location e.g. a meeting room number.

  7. Select what you want to include in the meeting.

  8. Click Next.

  9. You skip straight to the last step of booking a 1-to-1. Here you're shown a summary of the 1-to-1 meeting details.
    ​Click Confirm.
    An email is sent to the other person in the meeting.

Skip to Next steps.

Book 1-to-1 as a manager or admin

If you're a direct manager, you can book in a meeting with an employee who reports to you based on the Org Chart. If you're an admin you can book a 1-to-1 with anyone.

  1. Either:

    • On the main menu, click 1-to-1, then click Book a 1-to-1

    • Click Quick actions in the top right, then click Book a 1-to-1

    • Go to the 1-to-1 tab of an employee's profile to book a 1-to-1 specifically with them or click Book a 1-to-1 next to them on the No 1-to-1 booked tab

  2. Select the colleague you want to meet with.​

  3. Enter a name for the meeting, and if required a description.

  4. Select a meeting date.

  5. Select a start time and an end time for the meeting.

  6. If required, enter a location e.g. a meeting room number.

  7. Select what you want to include in the meeting.

  8. Click Next.

  9. If you don't select Performance review (collect feedback) to include in the meeting, you skip straight to the last step of booking a 1-to-1. Here you're shown a summary of the 1-to-1 meeting details.​

    πŸ“ŽNOTE: If you select this option in the 1-to-1 template and don't select reviewers and add a question, you will get an error that prevents you from completing the booking:
    ​Please add at least one question or competency before sending out this review.

    ​Please add at least one question or competency before sending out this review.

    To get around this either provide the required info needs to be provided, or disable this option in the 1-to-1 template

  10. Click Confirm.
    An email is sent to the other person in the meeting.

What happens if you include 'Performance review (collect feedback)?

If you select to include Performance review (collect feedback) in your 1-to-1, when you click Next, there are other steps to complete before you get to your 1-to-1 summary screen.

  1. Select general competencies for review.

  2. Select who will review general competencies for the employee. This could be:

    • Their direct manager

    • Their peers on their team

    • Themselves

    • Other colleagues in Sage HR

    • An external person - This is someone not listed in your company in Sage HR. Click βž• then enter their email address and name

  3. Click Next.

  4. Add any questions for the review. You can click on βž• to add more.

  5. Select who will review the answers to these questions. You can simply select the same employees as were selected for general competencies.

  6. Click Next.

  7. You're shown a summary of the 1-to-1 meeting details.

  8. Click Confirm.

Skip to Next steps.

Next steps

Now the 1-to-1 meeting has been booked, you can view the 1-to-1 at any time from either your profile (or the employee's profile if viewing as an admin), or as an admin, from the 1-to-1 dashboard from the main menu.

This is where you can go to edit, complete, and sign off the meeting.

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