You can add training events in Sage HR which your employees can choose to attend to help with their working skills or personal development.
Logged in as an admin or training administrator, click on your name on the top right, then click Settings.
On the settings menu, click Employee data, then click Training events.
Click Add event.
βEnter a title.
Enter a description of the event.
If required, you can add an image. Click Select image the browse to the image then click Open.
Select a training event category.
πTIP: You can create a new category if the ones listed aren't relevant for this event - Read more >
βEnter date, start time and an end time.
If required you can click Add Date to add another date or another time on the same day. For example, the event maybe one hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon.
βEnter a location.
Enter the capacity for the event.
βEXAMPLE: When you select five people, then after a fifth person attends, no one else can select to attend the training event.
βπNOTE: If in your training settings, you have enabled to allow employees to request tickets even when an event is full, then the employee is placed on a waiting list in case someone else cancels their place.
βIf required, select whether you want the training event to require approval from a direct manager.
When done, scroll down to the bottom and click Add.
Select whether everyone can chooses to attend this event, or just specific employees. If specific employees, select which ones.
Once done, click Save.
Once created training events show under Training events. You can filter them by categories or for them to show by upcoming events, past events, or all events.
If you click on the three dots on a training event this is where you can amend eligibility i.e. who can attend, edit the event, export it to an Excel spreadsheet, view a changelog that lists any changes that have been made, and delete the event if necessary.
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