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Performance - the basics

An overview of the Performance module.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a week ago

What is Performance?

You can use the Performance module to get the most out of your talent, celebrate exceptional contributions, and provide you insight into where improvements can be made.

What can I use it for?

Set goals or Objectives & Key Results, and see how employees are progressing with their own aspirational goals.

Use 360 feedback to allow employees to paint a holistic view of their own performance with inputs from peers, managers and subordinates, gathered transparently throughout the year.

Organise 1-to-1 meetings with subordinates or managers.

Create and send out surveys to help gauge the satisfaction and engagement of your talent.

How do I set it up?

If you do not already have the Performance module, firstly add it to your Sage HR.

You can follow our simple step by step instructions on how to set up Performance.

Want to learn more?

Our free e-learns can help you get up to speed with Performance.

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