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General settings in Shift Scheduling

Set up general settings such as allowing employees to be able to advise their availability and rules for when booking time off.

Oliver Cook avatar
Written by Oliver Cook
Updated over a year ago

General settings in Scheduling allow you to do things such as allowing employees to advise their availability and to select how you want employees and schedule managers to see scheduling groups.

Only employees with administrator or scheduling administrator access can follow these steps:

  1. Click your name in the top right, then click Settings.

  2. On the settings menu click Scheduling, then click General.

๐Ÿ“ŒTIP: Any settings you amend, make sure to scroll down to the bottom and click Save.

Scheduling Administrators

Give specific user admin access to the Shift Scheduling module.

Allow employees to advise their availability

If required, select Employees can advise their availability. This allows employees with shifts to notify their manager of their preferred or unavailable hours of work. Scheduling managers can still override employee availability.

Show "Hours in quarter

If required, select Show "Hours in quarterโ€. These are the total hours worked/logged by the employee in the last quarter (3 months).

Permissions for employees and schedule managers

Select one of three options for Employees and Schedule managers.

  • Only allow them to see employees from their own schedule group

  • Allow them to see employees from all schedule groups

  • Allow all employees in the company to see all schedule groups - Everyone in the company can access the Schedule tab on the main Menu


Select one of two settings for reports for when a shift goes over midnight.

  • Count whole shifts as part of the previous day

  • Separate at midnight and count each part of that shift to its own day.

Rules when booking time off

Rules need to be set so your Sage HR knows what to do when either a time off request or shift is added on a date that already has a shift scheduled on it.

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